I like to hit up Costco for Naked Juice when they put it on sale because it’s nearing it’s sell by date. It’s a bit of a thrill this way and I feel slightly less guilty for divulging in such a luxury. I knew we would be hitting the road this week and those cute little meant for school bottles would fit perfectly in our ice chest. They didn’t disappoint and I didn’t get hangry once yesterday. We overpaid for a salad but all things considered it was worth it especially since it was packed full of goodness including black beans. I feel like road tripping and staying hydrated much less eating well is a challenge for me. I am a work in progress for sure but I like learning how to do it a little more gracefully. It’s a lot of little no brainers that add up to feeling less like a mess at the end of a long day. Being intentional about eating things that will make me feel good, drinking water, and forgetting make up works well for me. I also try to keep my favorite lip balm, a couple of my favorite essential oils, and a comfortable sweater within easy access. I have a dream of finding the perfect baseball cap that channels Kate Hudson vibes, but until then who really cares. It’s a road trip, rock the crazy car hair or put it in a bun.
I love traveling with Garrett. This was high on my priority list when I use to think about having a husband and the sort of things we would experience together. I appreciate the fact that he illuminates calmness. If I’m stressed all it takes is sitting beside him and I can feel my blood pressure go back to normal. He’s definitely my better half. When we first met I thought he was serious. I chuckle at the memory. All it took was us getting to our second date for me to find out he has the best laugh. I remember him sitting across from me and more than once he threw back his head and laughed thus forever capturing my heart.
Yesterday was so lovely. We spent all day in the car listening to the radio or an audio book while eating hummus and heart talking. We even choreographed a ten minute Target stop which left us with empty bladders, a fresh cup of coffee and a tie. Hey, we may have forgotten to pack one but that was an easy fix. We made it to New Orleans to find that we had secured the dreamiest little place to call home for the next few days. Then in what is becoming a tradition we took off on foot to find a new pizza place to try out for dinner. It hit the spot. I can’t believe we move here in just four weeks.
Oh, Texas. I’ll love you forever.
This bridge makes me happy, every single time.
Like I said, it’s the dreamiest and I am pretending I live here for real.
When you can’t choose, order both!
Talk soon, friends!